Your Trusted Door Replacement Experts in Dallas, TX
We offer a variety of products including The Burris TectView PD Vinyl Sliding Patio Door & The NT Vinyl FR-301 Sliding Patio Door.
Call Us (214) 319-8400
NT Window Sliding R301 Patio Door

All Burris windows come with industry standard features and are built with quality parts sourced from only the most trusted providers. Our replacement windows are made in 1/8″ increments to ensure a more custom fit for the homeowner. In the end, we’ll make sure your windows fit precisely and securely, so you can be absolutely confident in your Burris windows.
Features and Benefits
- Stainless steel mortice lock keepers
- 47/8″ jamb depth
- Industry leading Amesbury Hardware
- Exterior key lock standard
- Precision sealed bearings on rollers for a lifetime of smooth operation
- Aluminum roller track
- Color-matched threshold
- Steel reinforcement in meeting rail, sash stile and mortice lock frame side.
- DP50 in new construction and replacement up to 96″ x 82″ two-panel doors.
- Optional impact resistant 2-panel door to 96″ x 82″ in new construction or replacement installation.
- Transoms and sidelites available in matching frame